Small houseplants

Our tiny plants are not only cute but also beautiful to look at. Small and tabletop plants are a nice addition to any interior.

Small houseplants: Our tiny plants are not only cute but also beautiful to look at. Small and tabletop plants are a nice addition to any interior.

Advantages of small houseplants

You know them, those little houseplants . One person swears by it, while another wonders why anyone would ever want a houseplant that never grows taller than a few feet. But there's a reason why small houseplants are so popular: they can make a huge difference in your home. Small houseplants can help reduce stress, relieve depression and boost creativity . Plants help remind us of nature and how soothing and calming it can be. So maybe it's time to consider adding a small houseplant to your collection . You will be amazed at the difference they can make.

Top 5 small indoor plants

If you want a houseplant, sometimes you have to choose one that is not too big. After all, you do n't always have the same amount of space. Moreover, we all want a plant that is easy to care for: no hassle with a plant that needs water too often or needs a lot of sunlight. So which are the best choices? Here are the top 5 small indoor plants :

1. Pancake Plant:

The Pancake Plant is a small houseplant that is perfect for someone who doesn't have much space. This plant can be easily planted in a small pot and does not require much care. You only need to water this plant once a week.

2. Aloe Vera:

The Aloe vera is a classic among houseplants. Not only is it a beautiful addition to your home, but it is also good for your health.

3. Syngonium:

The Syngonium is a small houseplant that is perfect for someone who doesn't have much space. The syngonium can easily fit in a pot and only needs to be watered occasionally.

4. Philodendron:

The Philodendron is another classic among houseplants. Just like the aloe vera, the Philodendron is not only a beautiful addition to your home, but it is also good for your health because it purifies the air!

5. Ficus Ginseng:

If you are looking for a small houseplant that offers a little more challenge, the Ficus Ginseng is perfect for you. This plant does need a little more care than the other plants on this list. For example, he needs a little more water and fertilizer. But once you take good care of it, it will make a wonderful addition to your home.

Small houseplants that stay small

For small houseplants that also stay really small , you can go to the Dau. If you choose a small houseplant that stays really small, you can be sure that your plant will not grow into a giant! In addition, the small houseplants you buy from the Dau are easy to care for . You only need to water your plant occasionally and it will continue to grow at its leisure. If you're looking for a small houseplant that stays really small, the Dau is the perfect place to shop!

A pot fits every plant

There are all kinds of plant pots for sale and this is good news for plant lovers with small plants. Small plants tend to dry out quickly , so it is important to place them in pots that do not let too much moisture through . Fortunately, there are plant pots that are specially designed to ensure that small plants retain enough moisture. This means that your plant can stay healthy, and you can continue to enjoy your favorite houseplant. That is a win-win situation!

View our pots

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