Indoor hanging plants

A hanging plant immediately turns your house into a small urban jungle. A Philodendron, Hoya, Scindapsus or Epipremnum as a hanging plant? Everything is possible.

Indoor hanging plants: A hanging plant immediately turns your house into a small urban jungle. A Philodendron, Hoya, Scindapsus or Epipremnum as a hanging plant? Everything is possible.

Hanging plants

Hanging plants are back in style! You see them everywhere nowadays, and not just in the garden anymore. Hanging plants give your interior that little bit extra. There are many different types of hanging plants, from huge plants to smaller ones. So there is always a hanging plant that matches your interior. Here we tell you everything about hanging plants!

What are hanging plants?

A hanging plant is a plant that, you guessed it, hangs. Hanging plants often hang from the ceiling , but they can also hang from a wall or stand . Hanging plants are a popular choice for home decor because they save space and add a unique atmosphere to any interior. In addition, hanging plants are relatively easy to care for - you just need to water them and vacuum them occasionally . If your hanging plant starts to wither, it's time to water it. When your hanging plant starts dropping leaves, it's time to check the humidity in your home. If your hanging plant is turning yellow, it's time to evaluate the plant's location. Hanging plants make wonderful decorative elements, but like all plants, they need some TLC to stay healthy and happy!

Hanging plants at home

Hanging plants are perfect if you don't have space on the ground or if you want to create a little more height in your interior. For example, hang them above a table or sofa, but they are also beautiful near a window or in the corner of a room. Hanging plants immediately give your interior a little more liveliness and atmosphere.

If you want hanging plants in your home, please note that some hanging plants need more light than others. Never hang them directly above a radiator or heater , because plants don't like that. Also provide sufficient water and nutrition , so that your hanging plants continue to grow beautifully and healthy. Hanging plants are an easy way to brighten up your interior, so what are you waiting for?

Choose a hanging plant

There are many beautiful hanging plants to choose from, such as the cheerful Hoya australis 'Lisa' , theEpipremnum 'N'joy' and the Cebu blue pothos . They all have beautiful hanging leaves that immediately brighten up your interior. But smaller hanging plants such as the Chlorophytum ' Ocean ' or the Philodendron micans 'Lime' are also very nice and available in all shapes and sizes. Hanging plants are also easy to combine with other plants in, for example, a hanging basket or pot, for even more atmosphere at home.

Hanging plants are a nice addition to any interior, so find your favorite hanging plant and hang it up!